Custom Installed detectors
These radar detectors are actually installed in your vehicle, as opposed to the more common method of attaching it to the windshield. These detectors typically include several modules: a control panel, the radar detector, and a laser detector. Some even include a laser blocker or an ESO jammer. The radar detector typically mounts under the hood of the vehicle, and has a wire, or a wireless bridge, that connects to a control panel that mounts within view of the driver. The main benefit of these types of radar detectors is that this control panel can be installed anywhere. It doesn't have to sit behind your windshield, advertising to everyone that you have a nice detector. This is perfect if you are looking for the cleanest possible install with no visible wires. It is also great if you need to be sure your detector stays concealed at all times, for whatever reason. It is important to keep in mind that these detectors are not "plug and play". They do require installation. We recommend that you take your detector to a professional to have it installed. Not interested in an installed model? Check out our windshield mounted radar detectorsRadar laser detectors for custom installations